Beach Maintenance & Access Improvements


Update - July 2024

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

IOP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access

  • Funding Source: $200K Beach Preservation Fund (City requesting $250K from FY25 State Budget)
  • City approved design. City has received and a design change order to account for additional coordination and has requested additional information. Once Charleston County Parks approves design, project will go out to bid. Construction planned for end of 2024.

Beach Access Path Improvements

  • Funding Source: $250K Beach Preservation Fund + $500K FY24 State Budget
    Allocation. Staff also seeking Greenbelt Program funding.
  • 26A, 36A, 46 and 52nd Avenue - Surveys and design complete. Construction of ADA compliant boardwalks at 46 and 52 Ave scheduled for end of 2024. RFB for
    construction is out, deadline 8/9/24. Staffsubmitted application for Greenbelt
    funding for construction of boardwalks at 26A and 36A.

Beach Maintenance & Restoration

Emergency Beach Restoration

  • Funding Source: Beach Preservation Fund $1.5M Breach Inlet emergency Scraping + trucking + sandbags (Offset by $850K grant from SCPRT) $300K Beachwood East sandbags
  • Emergency beach restoration work is ongoing as needed. City ordered approximately 100 extra sandbags for placement at Beachwood East to fill gaps. Bag placement at Beachwood East complete.

Wild Dunes Shoal Management Project

  • Funding Source: $365K Engineering, permitting shoal management projects and large offshore projects
  • Wild Dunes shoal management project application submitted. Public meeting held on May 22 at 5pm, at the Rec Center. If permits are issued, construction anticipated end of 2024, early 2025

Additional city work in conjunction with USACE project

  • Funding Source: $400K estimated cost of additional City work in conjuction w USACE project
  • Contract awarded to Ahtna Marine. Pre-Construction meeting held on 4/10.Notice to proceed issued on 5/1. Contractor began mobilizing to project area. Final project schedule not yet completed. Significant work needed, approx. 6-8 weeks, in the AIWW placement area prior to any sand being pumped on the beach. On 7/15/24 City was informed that contractor is starting sand placement on Sullivan's Island, then move to IOP, due to the amount of clearing and dewatering needed in IOPs sediment areas. City is waiting on OCRM and USACE permit for proposed supplemental work.


Update - June 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

OP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access

  • City approved design. City has received and a design change order to account for additional coordination and has requested additional information. Once Charleston County Parks approves design, project will go out to bid. Construction planned for end of 2024.




Update - May 2024

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

IOP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access 

  • Funding Source: $200K Beach Preservation Fund (City requesting $250K from FY25 State Budget)
  • City approved design. Once Charleston County Parks approves design, project will go out to bid. Construction planned for end of 2024.

Beach Access Path Improvements

  • Funding Source: $250K Beach Preservation Fund + $500K FY24 State Budget Allocation
  • 26A, 36A, 46 and 52nd Avenue - Surveys complete and design in process. Construction scheduled for end of 2024.

 Beach Maintenance & Restoration 

-Emergency Beach Restoration 

  • Funding Source: Beach Preservation Fund $1.5M Breach Inlet emergency Scraping + trucking + sandbags (Offset by $850K grant from SCPRT) $300K Beachwood East sandbag
  • Emergency beach restoration work is ongoing as needed.


-Shoal Management Project 

  • Funding Source: $365K Engineering, permitting shoal management projects and large offshore projects
  • Wild Dunes shoal management project application submitted. Public meeting scheduled for May 22 at 5pm, at the Rec Center. If permits are issued, construction anticipated end of 2024, early 2025.


-Beneficial Use Project & Additional Necessary Restoration 

  • Funding Source: $400K estimated cost of additional City work in conjunction with USACE project
  • Contract awarded to Ahtna Marine. Pre-Construction meeting held on 4/10.Notice to proceed issued on 5/1. Contractor began mobilizing to project area. Final project schedule not yet completed. Significant work needed in the AIWW placement area prior to any sand being pumped on the beach. City is waiting on OCRM and USACE permit for proposed supplemental work. 

Update - April 2024

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

IOP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access 

  • Funding Source: $200K Beach Preservation Fund (City requesting $250K from FY25 State Budget)
  • City approved design. Once Charleston County Parks approves design, project will go out to bid. Construction planned for end of 2024.

Beach Access Path Improvements

  • Funding Source: $250K Beach Preservation Fund + $500K FY24 State Budget Allocation
  • 26A, 36A, 46 and 52nd Avenue - Surveys complete and design in process. Construction scheduled for end of 2024.


Beach Maintenance & Restoration 

-Emergency Beach Restoration 

  • Funding Source: Beach Preservation Fund $1.5M Breach Inlet emergency Scraping + trucking + sandbags (Offset by $850K grant from SCPRT) $300K Beachwood East sandbag
  • Emergency beach restoration work is ongoing as needed.


-Shoal Management Project 

  • Funding Source: $365K Engineering, permitting shoal management projects and large offshore projects
  • Project application submitted.


-Beneficial Use Project & Additional Necessary Restoration 

  • Funding Source: $400K estimated cost of additional City work in conjunction with USACE project
  • Contract awarded to Ahtna Marine. Pre-Construction meeting to be held on 4/10. Anticipated construction start mid-May.


Update - February 2024

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

IOP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access

City approved design. Once Charleston County Parks approves design, project will go out to bid. Construction planned for end of 2024.


Beach Access Path Improvements

26A, 36A, 46 and 52nd Avenue - Surveys complete and design in process. Construction scheduled for end of 2024.


Beach Maintenance & Restoration

  • Emergency beach restoration work is ongoing at north and south end of island. Installation of sand bags at Beachwood East expected to be complete week of 2/12.
  • CSE meeting with State Historic Preservation Office for discussion re borrow areas. Shoal management project application in process.
  • USACE opened bids in January, expected to issue contract in February for beneficial use project. Estimated construction start March 2024.

Update - January 2024

Thursday, January 11, 2024

IOP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access

  • Final design approved by Council. County and designer continue to modify design elements. Construction will likely be delayed until end of 2024.

 Beach Access Path Improvements

  • Surveys are complete and contract executed for the design.

 Beach Maintenance & Restoration

  • Post Nor'easter emergency beach restoration work 95% complete. All sandbags on Breach Inlet end removed. Sand bags installation to begin on Beachwood East week of 1/8.
  • CSE contract for USACE coordinating, planning offshore project north and south end executed. USACE deadline for bids extended to 1/17.

Update - November 2023

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

IOP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access

Final design approved by Council. Waiting on final approval from County Park
before putting project out for bid.

Beach Access Path Improvements

Surveys of the selected paths, 26A, 36A, 46th Avenue and 52nd beach have
been ordered. Staff procuring proposals from design firms for the design.

Beach Maintenance & Restoration

Emergency beach restoration work is ongoing, per Council directive at special
meeting held on 10/3.

Update - October 2023

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

IOP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access 

Final design pending approval from Council.


Beach Access Path Improvements

Staff identified the following beach access paths for footbridges: 26A and 36A. ADA-compliant boardwalks at 46th Avenue and 52nd beach access paths.


Beach Maintenance & Restoration

Emergency beach restoration work is ongoing, per Council directive at special meeting held on 10/3.

City Attorney drafting contract for the CSE proposal as approved by Council on 9/26.

Update - September 2023

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

IOP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access

County Park staff provided feedback on the plans and Davis & Floyd is incorporating feedback into design. Plan is for concept finalization in October, bidding in November, approvals in December, and construction to start in January.

Beach Access Path Improvements

Staff working on surveying and design of footbridges for ADA compliant boardwalks.

Beach Maintenance & Restoration

Emergency berm restoration project between 100-314 Ocean Blvd. progressing well and expected to be completed 9/12. Contractor will then move to 11-20 Beachwood East.

Staff recommends approval of CSE proposal to begin permitting process, surveying borrow areas for large offshore projects on the north and south end and coordination of beneficial use project with USACE for the south end.




Update - August 2023

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

IOP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access

Public Safety Committee approved preliminary design. Goal to start bidding process in November 2023 and construction in January 2024.

Beach Access Path Improvements

• Staff evaluating installation of footbridges at 23rd, 26th and 30A beach access paths to address low lying areas that are prone to standing water,
limiting access after rain events. Staff to pursue funding from the Charleston County Greenbelt Program - $249K available to the City for beach
access improvements.

• City received $500K grant from the state for additional ADA compliant beach walkovers.

Beach Maintenance & Restoration

• Staff expects proposal from Coastal Science & Engineering by mid July to begin design and pursue permitting for shoal management and large
scale offshore project on the north end. Proposal will also include identifying sand borrow area near Breach Inlet and coordination with the US
Army Corps of Engineers on Breach Inlet project.

• Minor dune restoration project between 114 and 304 Ocean Boulevard - Contractor secured. SCPRT grant for 50% of construction costs
approved. City sent easement agreements to property owners on 7/31.