Minor Dune Repairs between 114 & 304 Ocean Boulevard

Unseasonal storm, tide conditions and cyclical changes to the north side of Breach Inlet have caused erosion leaving little to no dry sand beach and no dune along much of the area of the beach south of 3rd Avenue. The proposed dune repair project limits include repairing the dune along approximately ~1,500 lf of beach spanning between 114-304 Ocean Boulevard. Minor changes to the fill limits may occur.

The scope of work includes delivery, placement, and grading of 6,400 cy of beach compatible sand along project area. The dune design will generally consist of a 6’ tall dune, 15’ wide dune crest, and slope of ~1 on 4. The dune will tie into the existing escarpment.

The constructions cost of this project is $247,168. The South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism has approved a grant to cover 50% of construction costs. 

As part of a long-term beach restoration strategy, the City plans to partner with the US Army Corps of Engineers on a beneficial use project anticipated to be constructed within the next 12 months that may provide over 200,000 cy of sand to the area, which will be more than sufficient to fully restore the dune and dry-sand beach over a longer period of time than a minor dune project.