Community Enrichment Plan: IOPThrives!

The City of Isle of Palms, in collaboration with Explore Charleston, the College of Charleston, and The McNair Group, is pursuing the development of a Community Enrichment Plan (CEP) using residents’ voices as the main driver of the process. The travel and hospitality industries are vital to the island's identity and economy.

Improving quality of life for residents is one of the main priorities anchoring the city’s Strategic Plan. Residents’ quality of life also plays a significant role in tourism’s success, and it is critical to the community's overall well-being. The city aims to maintain an equilibrium of these key elements for the longevity and prosperity of Isle of Palms.

With the guidance of The McNair Group and city staff, the Community Enrichment Plan will be constructed by the Community Enrichment Task Force. The Task Force, nominated by City Council, include various community members, including residents, business owners and tourism experts. The committee is responsible for developing recommendations to address livability and tourism management and facilitate community enrichment that will benefit the city continuously. 

Substantial community input and data will be collected to guide the city on how to productively deal with the complexities and challenges of regional population growth while ensuring Isle of Palms thrives as the most sustainable, family-friendly beach community in South Carolina. Data will be collected through surveys, focus groups and large listening sessions.

All collected data and insight will be used to outline recommendations for an ongoing plan that will create improvements that foster livability, sustainability and responsible economic development.


Community Listening Sessions

Date: May 29, 2024

Time: 10 a.m.

Location: Recreation Center (Magnolia Room)


Date: June 5, 2024

Time: 5:30 p.m.

Location: Recreation Center (Magnolia Room)


Questions about the Listening Sessions? Text "Hello" to (877) 607-6467 to get connected to a city staff member, or call (843) 886-6428.

You can also the City Calendar for upcoming Community Listening Sessions and Focus Groups.



CEP Task Force Members:

Joe Ready

Beverly Miller

Alex Stone
Bill Skeens

Paige Grimball

Linda Tucker

Susan Hill Smith

Maryanne Chalmers

Rod Turnage

Hugh Swingle

Patsy Hindman

Sarah Vega

Ben Marks


August 22 Update

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Each Focus Team provided an update on their work. McNair directed the Task Force to discuss the Quality of Life recommendations developed earlier in the year. The conversation centered on the enforcement around and communication with short-term rentals. Mr. Turnage (from the Traffic & Parking Focus Team) shared information about the work of a subgroup of the IOP Chamber of Commerce, Family Vacation Rental Group, made up of island property managers who oversee 96% of the island’s vacation rentals. Mr. Swingle noted that recent data shows more complaints to the Police Department about residents than renters.

Each Focus Team will submit the draft of their work to the larger group in early September.

View meeting minutes 

July 25 Update

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Community Enrichment Task Force Meeting

Focus Teams gave an update on their progress. Teams have been researching current Isle of Palms projects and viewing other cities' plans for inspiration on balancing residents' quality of life and tourism.

To allow more time to gather information and form the draft of the Community Enrichment Plan, the project has been extended to November of 2024. Task Force members discussed at length their desire to create a living document used by this and future City Councils to guide the city’s commitment to community enrichment.

View meeting minutes

July 18 Update

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Community Enrichment Task Force Meeting 

The Task Force continues to work in small groups outside of the regular meetings to compile the information needed to create the Community Enrichment Plan. Each small group (Focus Team) gave an update on their respective areas- Environmental, Safety, Traffic & Parking. The Task Force then worked in separate groups for the remainder of the meeting.

McNair and several members agreed it was important to remind readers of the final plan that the Isle of Palms is a small, finite space that needs good stewards of both residents and visitors.

View meeting minutes

June 27 Update

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Community Enrichment Task Force Meeting 

McNair shared the proposed meeting structure and agendas with the group. The Task Force has formed subgroups to focus on key areas – Environmental, Safety, Seasonal Visitation. The subgroups will return to the large group with their findings and suggestions. The groups will meet during regularly scheduled meetings in the Council Chambers and on their own as needed.

McNair reminded Task Force members that their work product will guide stewardship direction for the next 10-15 years and they do not need to come up with all the solutions. The purpose statement of each group should define what success looks like in each area. He provided suggestions on how to bring together the purpose statement, strategies, and recommendations.

View meeting minutes

June 13 Update

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Community Enrichment Task Force Meeting 

Project facilitator reviewed with Task Force members the change in structure to the next several meetings in which they will break into groups (Safety, Seasonal Visitation, Environment) to drill down on the ideas they have generated to then refine strategies and outline specific recommendations to pass onto City Council. Task Force members then discussed whether additional community forums would be needed as the attendance was lower than anticipated. Mr. McNair suggested getting further into the process, and if more community input is needed, the Task Force can discuss the best way to secure that information.

View Meeting Minutes

June 5 Update

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Community Listening Session 2 was held on June 5, 2024, at the Recreation Center. Community members participated in a poll with key topics from the Community Enrichment Plan survey. There was also a discussion of ideas and concerns relating to quality of life and tourism. This Session was the same as the first.

View the session on the city's YouTube channel.

Listening Sessions are available for viewing on the City's YouTube Channel.

May 29 Update

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Community Listening Session 1 was held on May 29, 2024, at the Recreation Center. Community members participated in a poll with key topics from the Community Enrichment Plan survey. There was also a discussion of ideas and concerns relating to quality of life and tourism.

View the session on the city's YouTube channel.

Listening Sessions are available for viewing on the City's YouTube Channel.

View Poll Results from Listening Session 1.


May 23 Update

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Community Enrichment Task Force Meeting

  • This meeting focused on the topic, Quality of Life. Staff presented the efforts the City has made and is making to increase, maintain, and manage the quality of life on the island, specifically in the areas of managing short-term rentals, community partnerships, public transportation, community enhancements, youth engagement, and special community events.
  • The group also discussed upcoming Community Listening Sessions. The ideas generated during the listening sessions will be brought back to the task force for further evaluation. McNair explained how feedback will be generated in the listening sessions. 

View meeting minutes 

May 9 Update

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Community Enrichment Task Force Meeting

  • The meeting was centered around safety. Leaders from the Isle of Palms Police Department gave a presentation on improved safety measures after the April 7, 2023 beach shooting. Updated measures include, a K-9 officer, additional beach and street cameras, a transport van, tactical gear for the IOP Fire Department. IOPPD also discussed partnerships with local school districts, state and national organizations. 
  • The project facilitator reviewed stormwater and other environmental issues, as highlighted in the Community Enrichment Plan survey and the feedback provided by the Community Enrichment Task Force. 

View Meeting Minutes 

April 25 Update

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Community Enrichment Task Force Meeting

  • David McNair explained the process of sharing ideas and information between the Task Force and staff. There was a review of the work from the last meeting and a discussion of a form that details Task Force recommendations regarding traffic, parking, and advocacy efforts of the same. 
  • The 4/25 meeting focused on environmental issues. Deputy Administrator, Douglas Kerr, gave a presentation on the City’s efforts in relation to some of those concerns including outfall improvements, the development of a drainage master plan, expansion of in-house stormwater management capabilities, updating of stormwater regulations, the development of a sea level rise adaptation plan, ongoing beach nourishment, the elevation of Waterway Boulevard, and efforts advocated by the Environmental Advisory Committee.

View Meeting Minutes