Buildings and Facilities


Update - July 2024

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

City Hall Renovation

  • Funding Source: $1.250M Capital Projects + Muni ATAX
  • Trident and MPS presented to Public Services & Facilities on 7/9/24 additional options for City Hall relocation to Public Safety Building and Lot B. Trident developing cost estimates.

Undergrounding Power Lines 

  • Funding Source: $75K Muni ATAX (50/50 split with Dominion Energy)
  • Dominion Energy secured easements. Construction scheduled for after Labor Day. Concepts discussed w Public Safety Committee and City Council. Next steps include seeking public comment on the concepts developed. 

SCDOT Palm Boulevard Bike, Pedestrian and Parking Enhancements

  • Funding Source: SCDOT Funded concept development. No funding identified/allocated for construction. 
  • Concepts discussed w Public Safety Committee and City Council. Next steps include seeking public comment on the concepts developed.

21st Avenue Sidewalk Repair & Extension

  • Funding Source: 260K Charleston County CTC Program
  • City reviewed and approved design. County held in-house constructability review and identified issues with existing sidewalk that the project connects to. Coordinating with SCDOT to address the issues. Assuming no permitting delays and favorable bids, construction anticipated first quarter of 2025.

Update - June 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

21st Avenue Sidewalk Repair & Extension

  • Design in process. County held in-house constructibility review and identified issues with existing sidewalk that the project connects to. Coordinating with SCDOT to address the issues. Assuming no permitting delays and favorable bids, construction anticipated first quarter of 2025.

Update - May 2024

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

City Hall Renovation 

  • Funding Source: $1.250M Capital Projects + Muni ATAX
  • Trident and MPS to present options and cost estimates at May Council workshop


Undergrounding Power Lines

  • Funding Source: $75K Muni ATAX (50/50 split w/ Dominion Energy)
  • Dominion Energy working w property owners along 14th Avenue on securing new easements for placement of needed infrastructure. Construction timeline will be determined once easements are secured.


SCDOT Palm Boulevard Bike, Pedestrian and Parking Enhancements

  • Funding Source: SCDOT 
  • Concepts discussed w Public Safety Committee 4/2.  Next steps include developing strategy to seek public comment on the concepts developed.


21st Avenue Sidewalk Repair & Extension 

  • Funding Source: $260K Charleston County CTC Program
  • Design in process. If projects stays on schedule, County anticipates bidding end of 2024 and construction in 2025.

Update - April 2024

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Fire Department Exhaust Systems for Fire Stations 1 & 2

  • Funding Source: $200K Capital Projects + Muni ATAX
  • Completed


City Hall Renovation 

  • Funding Source: $1.250M Capital Projects + Muni ATAX
  • Trident and MPS to present options and cost estimates at May Council workshop


Outdoor Fitness Court at Recreation Center

  • Funding Source: $165K Capital Projects Fund + Munit ATAX + State ATAX (Offset by $30K grant)
  • Completed


Dog Park Improvements

  • Funding Source: $60K State ATAX
  • Completed


Undergrounding Power Lines

  • Funding Source: $75K Muni ATAX (50/50 split w/ Dominion Energy)
  • Dominion Energy working w property owners along 14th Avenue on securing new easements for placement of needed infrastructure. Construction timeline will be determined once easements are secured.


SCDOT Palm Boulevard Bike, Pedestrian and Parking Enhancements

  • Funding Source: SCDOT 
  • Concepts discussed w Public Safety Committee 4/2.


21st Avenue Sidewalk Repair & Extension

Funding Source: $260K Charleston County CTC Program

Design in process. If projects stays on schedule, County anticipates bidding end of 2024 and construction in 2025.

Update - February 2024

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Fire Department Exhaust Systems for Fire Stations 1 & 2

Installation of exhaust systems complete.

City Hall Renovation

Staff working with Trident and MPS architects to develop City Hall programming and needed square footage. Team also developing concepts for potential relocation options.


Dog Park Improvements

Installation of new dog water fountain and play equipment in process.


Undergrounding Power Lines

Dominion Energy working w property owners along 14th Avenue on securing new easements for placement of needed infrastructure. Project estimated at $100K (50/50 share between DE and City). Construction timeline will be determined once easements are secured.


SCDOT Palm Boulevard Bike, Pedestrian and Parking Enhancements

Concepts to be presented to Public Safety Committee for discussion in April.

Update - January 2024

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Fire Department Exhaust Systems for Fire Stations 1 & 2

  • In process. Completion anticipated in February 2024.

City Hall Renovation

  • Trident and MPS under contract. Review/update staff meeting scheduled for 1/8

Outdoor Fitness Court at Recreation Center

  • Complete.

Dog Park Improvements

  • Hardscape complete, new signage installed. Waiting on new benches and dog play equipment.

Undergrounding Power Lines

  • Design of 14th Ave conversion is complete. Project estimated at approx. $100K. (50/50 share between City and Dominion Energy). DE in process of easement acquisition. Preliminary design and rough cost estimate of conversion project for 41st Avenue ready for staff review.

SCDOT Palm Boulevard Bike, Pedestrian and Parking Enhancements

  • Concepts complete and provided to Council.

Update - November 2023

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Fire Department Exhaust Systems for Fire Stations 1 & 2

In process. Completion anticipated in February 2024.


City Hall Renovation

Staff held kick-off meeting on 11/8. Trident coordinating appraisal and 3D scan
of building as part of assessment.


Outdoor Fitness Court at Recreation Center

Installation of fitness equipment in process.


Dog Park Improvements

Hardscape and fence completed.


Undergrounding Power Lines

Design of 14th Ave conversion is complete. Project estimated at approx. $100K.
(50/50 share between City and Dominion Energy). DE in process of easement
acquisition. Preliminary design and rough cost estimate of conversion project
for 41st Avenue ready for staff review.


SCDOT Palm Boulevard Bike, Pedestrian and Parking Enhancements

Concepts provided to Council for preliminary feedback. Consultant developing


Update - October 2023

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Fire Department Exhaust Systems for Fire Stations 1 & 2

In process. Completion anticipated in February 2024.


City Hall Renovation

In process. Completion anticipated in February 2024.


Outdoor Fitness Court at Recreation Center

Construction in process. Concrete slab to be poured week of 10/9. Fitness equipment on site, to be installed first week of November.


Dog Park Improvements

Installation of new hardscape in process. Fence contractor selected and issued notice to proceed.


Undergrounding Power Lines

Design of 14th Ave conversion is complete. Project estimated at approx. $100K. (50/50 share between City and Dominion Energy). DE in process of easement acquisition. Preliminary design and rough cost estimate of conversion project for 41st Avenue ready for staff review.


SCDOT Palm Boulevard Bike, Pedestrian and Parking Enhancements

Staff meeting with SCDOT and consultant on 10/9 to review concepts.





Update - September 2023

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Fire Department Exhaust Systems for Fire Stations 1 & 2

Bids received. Staff recommends award of a contract to Air Cleaning Specialists at 9/26/23 Council meeting.


City Hall Renovation

City received RFQ responses from two Design-Build Teams. Presentations scheduled for next Public Services & Facilities Committee meeting for 9/21/23.


Outdoor Fitness Court at Recreation Center

Staff procuring quotes for installation of concrete slab. Once installed, National Fitness Court will ship equipment for installation.


Dog Park Improvements

Staff procuring quotes for hardscaping work for the entrance to and inside the park. Staff developing RFB for fence replacement.


Undergrounding Power Lines

Dominion Energy & Pike Engineering finalized design and cost estimate for undergrounding project at 14th Avenue. Staff to meet with DE to review and develop construction timeline.


SCDOT Palm Boulevard Bike, Pedestrian and Parking Enhancements

Waiting on update from SCDOT on when final conceptual design for Palm Boulevard improvements are expected to be completed and presented to City and community for feedback.


Update - August 2023

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Fire Department Exhaust Systems for Fire Stations 1 & 2

Bid opening – August 25, 2023

City Hall Renovation

Deadline for qualifications - August 18, 2023

Outdoor Fitness Court at Recreation Center

$30,000 grant approved through the National Fitness Campaign. Sole source approval by Council required. Installation feasible for Fall 2023.

Dog Park Improvements

Staff preparing bid specifications for fence replacement (commercial grade galvanized steel, black vinyl coating), began procurement of new play
and water features and designing new signage.

Undergrounding Power Lines

Dominion Energy assigned project at 14th Avenue to Pike Engineering. Pike Engineering reviewing easements and developing utility route for City
approval prior to final design.

Dominion Energy visited 41st Avenue site to identify conduits and boring location to be performed during drainage project for efficiency.

SCDOT Palm Boulevard Bike, Pedestrian and Parking Enhancements

Staff waiting on update from SCDOT on when final conceptual design for Palm Boulevard improvements are expected to be completed and
presented to City and community for feedback.